FCA updates its Unacceptable Behaviour Policy web page

The FCA has updated its web page in relation to its Unacceptable Behaviour Policy, which focuses on what it sees as unacceptable behaviour on the part of those individuals who engage with the FCA (consumers or firms).  The Policy sets out what the FCA considers to be abusive or unreasonable behaviour and the actions it might take if it considers behaviour to be unacceptable.

First published in December 2017, the web page sets out examples of aggressive, inappropriate or abusive behaviour; unreasonable behaviour; and actions the FCA might take. Additionally, the web page might serve as a source of information or wording for firms wishing to develop their own unreasonable behaviour policy.

The most recent updates relate to changes in inappropriate behaviour and sexual harassment examples, including but not limited to behaviour that: 

  • is violent or makes threats of physical violence
  • is abusive
  • is threatening
  • uses offensive or insulting language
  • uses aggressive or threatening behaviour or language
  • uses racist, sexist or homophobic language or any other discriminatory language related to a diversity/protected characteristic
  • includes any other form of discrimination
  • is any form of sexual harassment, including, but not limited to, sexual comments or jokes, sexual gestures, unwelcome touching and sending sexually explicit emails or messages
  • includes the leaving of threatening or aggressive voicemails
  • includes posting aggressive, inappropriate or abusive comments or posts on an FCA staff member’s professional profiles on social media (eg LinkedIn) or posts on their own social media naming a member of FCA staff
  • includes posting unacceptable or personally abusive comments about FCA staff members in a survey or chat stream at a public event

For more information, click here.

About the author

A compliance technical expert, Al is UKGI's Senior Technical Resources Consultant providing 'back-room' technical support which includes everything from assisting Consultant colleagues with challenging or unusual queries, to updating UKGI's compliance manual, to writing and delivering training, workshops and webinars.

Al Haughton UKGI

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