5 Benefits of Blended Learning For Insurance Firms

5 Benefits of Blended Learning For Insurance Firms

What is blended learning?

The term, blended learning, was first coined in the late 1990s and refers to “the thoughtful integration of classroom face-to-face learning experiences with online learning experiences”. Covid-19 accelerated the shift to a more digital approach to learning and development in the workplace, and companies have recognised the advantages compared to traditional methods.

Some examples of learning methods that can be combined for effective blended learning, include:

  • Live virtual classrooms where the trainer uses video conferencing software to hold a training session that can be recorded and made accessible.
  • A learning management system (LMS) that allows courses to be assigned and tracks employee progress.
  • In-person classroom training is aimed at providing training unique to a business’s needs.

By combining the above examples, blended learning models can deliver multiple methods of learning that can benefit teams with a variety of learning styles.

5 Advantages of blended learning

  1. Increased Effectiveness

Blended learning allows learners to complete sections of training that incorporate a variety of different learning approaches. It also means they have the opportunity to revisit subject areas to update their knowledge if and when they feel they need to, or if there’s something particularly relevant to a current situation in their role. For example, if they attend a training course, they could then use an LMS to maintain what they have learnt on an ongoing basis.

  1. Increased Engagement

A blended learning model offers the learner variety and can help them feel engaged with the course material. It can also provide learners with different options for study depending on their learning style, whether visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinaesthetic.

  1. Flexibility

Blended learning gives managers and employees flexibility and convenience by letting them learn at their own pace using digital tools. With most forms of e-learning available online 24/7, employees can easily fit their learning around their daily lives, accessing professional development whenever and wherever they need to.

  1. Decreased Costs

Through blended learning and the use of virtual classrooms, businesses can reduce costs, such as travel and accommodation, and have employees learn from their place of work. This allows business leaders to increase return on their investment into the professional development of their workforce.

  1. Increased Accessibility

One of the benefits of blended learning is that it makes professional development more accessible. This allows you to meet the needs of learners and their different learning types, and can also increase engagement across your workforce, as they can learn in a way that best suits them.

A blended learning approach allows learners to come together and experience learning journeys that blend seamlessly into their day-to-day rhythm. Combining a mixture of industry expert-led workshops and on-demand learning gives learners the autonomy to take ownership of their personal and professional development.

How to implement an LMS into your blended learning programme

The Development Zone has been specifically designed with the insurance sector in mind and hosts a range of courses on Consumer Duty, SM&CR, the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD), FCA regulations, and more.

Whether completed on or off the platform, Development Zone allows learners to easily record and evidence their CPD. Users can even highlight the relevant IDD competencies to make tracking their compliance easier.

Managers can assign required learning on an individual, team, or firm basis, and track user progress through the reporting function.

If you are not already signed up for the Development Zone, click here to sign up for a 14-day free trial.

How to implement face-to-face and online training into your blended learning programme

Regular skills development opportunities, such as face-to-face training and online learning workshops, motivate staff and allow them to grow with your business. With all courses available in three competency levels, Searchlight learners can choose the level that is most suited to their ability.

Searchlight has been providing learning and development support to insurance intermediaries for over 23 years. Its nationwide team of training associates have an array of technical and general insurance-specific knowledge and, most importantly, the ability to bring the subject matter to life with energy and enthusiasm.  From regulatory and technical insurance skills to management and communication, Searchlight’s workshops are available in both online and face-to-face formats.

To find your nearest training centre or for further information on Searchlight’s online workshop offering, click here

About the author

Luke joined RWA from July 2022 - July 2023. He has 10 years of graphic design experience creating marketing material and 7 years of direct marketing experience, most recently working as a freelance social media marketing manager. Luke’s role at RWA involved overseeing RWA's social media channels and assisting with the creation of e-learning and blog content.

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