With the new Incoterms coming into effect from 1st January 2020, David Millett takes a look at what might change.
Dress Codes in the Modern Office
Parts of the UK have experienced the hottest July day on record, raising some interesting questions concerning office dress codes. Is it acceptable to make members of staff wear formal clothing, when temperatures are soaring? And are dress codes needed in the 21st century office?
Retirement Planning
Retirement involves a significant amount of future planning. This is even more crucial if you are a business owner and have employees to consider too. Peter Stokes looks at why retirement planning is so important and how it can be managed.
FCA Publishes Final Rules on Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR)
The FCA has published its final rules regarding the extension of SM&CR to FCA solo-regulated firms from 9th December 2019.
Handling Difficult Telephone Calls
For those in customer service roles, difficult telephone calls will happen from time to time. No one enjoys these situations, but how can we handle them effectively and professionally?
Gender and Leadership
What makes a person a good leader – their skills and abilities or their gender? Despite preconceptions that still prevail, diversity in leadership should be encouraged, particularly with SM&CR on the horizon...
FCA Consulting on the Treatment of Vulnerable Customers
The FCA has launched a consultation on proposed guidance for firms regarding the consistent fair treatment of vulnerable customers.
Thinking Beyond Implementation
SM&CR comes into effect in a few months. The new regime should be treated not just as a list to be ticked off by 9 December 2019 but also as an opportunity to embed genuine cultural change throughout an organisation.
FCA’s Gabriel Platform to be Replaced
The FCA has announced plans to replace its data collection system, Gabriel, and improve the way regulatory data is collected from firms.