The FCA has published complaints figures for regulated firms for the second half of 2019. The data shows an increase in complaints from 4.29m in the first half of 2019 to 6.02m in the second half of 2019.
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Staying Healthy at Home
Working from home can be a surprisingly big adjustment, potentially impacting on both our physical and mental health. Kate Foreman looks at some useful tips to help you adjust and stay healthy home.

FCA Publishes its Business Plan for 2020/21
The FCA has announced its business plan for 2020/21, with focus given to the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic.

SM&CR and Coronavirus – The FCA’s Expectations of Solo-Regulated Firms
The FCA has published its expectations to help solo-regulated firms apply SM&CR during the coronavirus outbreak.

Home Working and Mental Health
Research from the CIPD shows that only 31% of managers are “thought to have the confidence to have sensitive discussions around mental health.” But with a high percentage of the workforce now working from home, how will employers deal with issues of employee wellbeing at this stressful time?

Coronavirus – Guidance for Employers
As the situation continues to change rapidly, employers are likely to have many questions about what they need to do regarding the coronavirus outbreak. Here’s a breakdown of the latest guidance for employers.

Identifying Key Workers in Financial Services
The FCA has set out the steps firms should take to help identify key workers in financial services.

FCA Warning on Avoiding Coronavirus Scams
The FCA has issued a warning on potential coronavirus scams that may emerge over the coming months. Here’s what to look out for and how to protect yourself.

Remote Working – A chance to catch up on CPD?
Over the last few weeks, our daily lives and routines have changed significantly, with many of us having to prepare for an extended period of working from home. If you have the opportunity, why not spend some time focusing on your professional development?