Knowing your customers is not only essential for meeting regulatory demands but also makes good business sense. Being able to tailor your services to a customer’s objectives is an effective way to create positive customer experiences and establish loyalty.
Consultancy Services

Making Effective Contributions in Meetings
This article looks at how to make meaningful contributions in meetings.

Keeping in Touch with Remote Staff
Are some of your remote-working colleagues feeling ‘out of the loop’? This article explores what measures can be taken to help stay in touch with colleagues who are working from home.

Phishing - Don't Take the Bait
Recent events, such as the war in Ukraine, have led to an increase in malicious cyber activity. In this article, we look at how to stay safe and vigilant online.

Talking About Protected Characteristics
Businesses can sometimes be afraid to talk about protected characteristics for fear of ‘getting it wrong’ or causing offence. Laura Findlay discusses why firms should tackle challenging conversations around Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion instead of avoiding them, as well as championing awareness, training, and competence.

You Never Get a Second Chance…
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression so make it one that will set you apart.” Katherine Watkins explains the importance of brand in a competitive market.

Small Victories
“Never underestimate the significance of keeping a team motivated.” This article looks at how celebrating small victories within your team can boost morale and keep projects on track.

The Great Adjustment
A change in the mindset of employees, as a result of the pandemic, will further the separation between the successful companies that prioritise their people's well-being and those who fail to do so. What are the key areas that leaders need to invest in to stay ahead of the competition and retain talented staff?

Recruit and Retain
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching impact on the labour market – many employees have been looking to change roles as a result. How can businesses recruit and retain talent?