Consultancy Services

This weeks’ article is the third in a series exploring how firms can approach monitoring to drive forward each of the outcomes under the Duty- and evidence this to the regulator. This weeks article will discuss how firms can approach monitoring in relation to the Consumer Understanding outcome.

This weeks’ article is the second in a series exploring key takeaways from the FCA’s multi-firm review findings and how firms can approach monitoring to drive forward each of the outcomes under the Duty and evidence this to the regulator.

With a new party set to take control after 14 years of Conservative rule, this article explores the insurance industry’s response to the election result.

This article forms the first of a series which will explore how firms can approach and utilise monitoring to drive forward each of the Duty’s outcomes, and evidence this to the regulator.

The FCA are consulting on proposals to require criminal/DBS checks to be undertaken for owners and controllers of directly authorised firms in a bid to prevent criminals from owning or controlling regulated firms.

The FCA has published a page ‘Information for Principals with Overseas Appointed Representatives’ containing information outlining additional challenges Principles may face and expectations and practical considerations for OAR oversight. 

This article will explore why the value of insurance brokers means that they will never be displaced by AI.

Ten years ago, in May 2014, the FCA published the findings from its thematic review which shed light on inherent conflicts of interest within the business models of many general insurance intermediaries. Conflicts of interest remain a key concern for the regulator; this article outlines how intermediaries can ensure compliance with regulation and treat customers fairly.

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