The entrepreneurial spirit and innovation can often be difficult to build them in to existing company structures. Tim Smith looks at how businesses can support staff to think outside the box and try out new ideas.

Learning By Example
We learn by example. Tim Smith explains why utilising real-life examples, case studies or illustrations is an effective and engaging way to present learning material.

Tool or Toolbox?
Is the Development Zone e-learning platform a tool for CPD or should it be seen more as a ‘toolbox’, with a variety of tools for broker firms to support their organisation? Senior Platform Developer Tim Smith explains.

Four Key Questions for the Learning Journey
Tim Smith outlines four key questions that trainers and learning designers need to consider when preparing learning activities.

Flash and Keeping Your Browser Updated
As Adobe retires its Flash technologies after twenty years, Tim Smith explains the importance in keeping web browsers up to date.

Development Zone Badges – What’s the Significance?
Earlier this month, the Development Zone issued its 800,000th badge to learners – a major milestone in the development of a platform that has become embedded at the heart of hundreds of brokers’ T&C programmes. Tim Smith reflects on the significance of these badges in demonstrating continued understanding of regulatory topics.

A Little Empathy
Tim Smith looks at the importance of empathy in developing effective learning experiences.

E-Learning is More than Just Slideshows
Over the last year, we’ve seen an increase in the pace of change for training and development, moving further from the traditional model of classroom-based learning to a model where learning is entirely online. Tim Smith explores ways in traditional training material can be adapted for e-learning.

Learning Stories
Tim Smith explains how delivering an effective training course is a bit like telling a story. It needs a strong beginning, middle and end.