
Is your inbox having a negative impact on your productivity? Nathan Matthews looks at the benefits of ‘working offline’.

Why is it important to have a robust vulnerability strategy?

When was the last time you wanted to complain, but didn’t? The stereotype that the British are reluctant to complain is backed up by recent research commissioned by the FCA.

Retaining customers is a fundamental principle of good business practice. Existing customers are often the most profitable, so building a greater understanding of your clients is a topic which deserves significant consideration.

We all know that Plan A will work because the plan is so awesome and couldn’t possibly fail right? WRONG!!

In business things change so quickly and you must be ready to change your plan and direction to best serve your clients.

‘It’ll never happen to me; I’ve got nothing of interest that they would want…’

The new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) comes into force on 25 May 2018, and from that date, all firms in all industry sectors will need to make significant changes to the way they deal with their data.
RWA Chairman, Terence Clark, outlines the key areas that you need to be aware of...

Giving employees the freedom to forge their own professional relationships, not only empowers them but, when done correctly, reflects positively upon the business as a whole.

We should by now, all be familiar with the Regulator's view that firms must be able to show consistently that fair treatment of consumers is at the heart of their business model. It’s not unreasonable for consumers to expect the provision of financial services and products that meet their needs from firms they trust. After all the whole concept of the fair treatment of consumers isn’t ground breaking. It’s not just a regulatory requirement, it’s good business practice, right?

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