Learning and Development

If you search the internet for information about trends in e-learning, you’ll generally find the same general topics and techniques being promoted year after year, often wildly promising to revolutionise the way that your team learns.  Tim Smith looks at some of the main trends in e-learning and what these mean in practice.

Tim Smith examines the importance of soft skills in the modern economy and the value that skills such as communication, numeracy and problem-solving have in the workplace.

Engaging managers and executives is essential to ensure that learning and development teams are given the time and resources to deliver effective training and to make sure that training is focused on the needs of the business and the learner.

As the FCA and professional bodies continue to focus on CPD, it’s more important than ever to review the way that you deliver training within your organisation and ensure that you get the maximum benefit from the experience of your staff.

All financial services staff will need to be trained in the Conduct Rules and how the rules apply to their individual roles. What needs to be done to implement effective Conduct Rules training?

For individuals to be able to contribute to the overall success of a business, it is essential that they understand their own role, and the responsibilities that it entails. Tim Smith explores the need for firms to have an effective Training and Competence scheme and how the tools on the Development Zone can support this. 

‘Gamification’ is a term that makes some educationalists recoil in horror! Tim Smith reappraises the concept and looks at how, in the right context, having a competitive streak can aid the learning process.

Curating learning material is a useful way to manage your team’s CPD. Tim Smith explains how the content and tools on the Development Zone can help supervisors enhance learner engagement.

Tim Smith explores the changing nature of learning and development and how the new videoconferencing feature on the Development Zone can help brokers enhance their online training.

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