With 2021 drawing to a close, it’s time to complete any remaining CPD hours. Here’s a reminder of how to record CPD and where to start.
Aviva Development Zone
Celebrating 1 Million Open Badges
We’ve recently reached an exciting milestone on the Aviva Development Zone – in October 2021, we issued our one millionth Open Badge, representing one million successful course completions since the platform was launched.
CPD – Going Beyond the Minimum
Undertaking CPD allows individuals to better understand any changes in their industry and to maintain the necessary skills and knowledge to keep up to speed with their peers. This article looks at the benefits of a positive approach to CPD.
Assessing Customer Needs – What does it involve?
The IDD requires insurance intermediaries to demonstrate the minimum necessary knowledge required for their role across eight core competencies – one of which is ‘assessing customer needs’. What does this mean in practice?
Ethical Behaviour in Business
The IDD requires insurance intermediaries to demonstrate the minimum necessary knowledge required for their role across eight core competencies – one of which is ‘business ethical standards’. Why is ethical behaviour in business important?
Getting Back on Track with Gap Analysis
What are the benefits of the gap analysis model? In this article, we focus on identifying knowledge gaps to benefit future development.
Vulnerable Customers – Taking Practical Action
Earlier this year, the FCA updated its guidance on vulnerable customers. What is the practical action firms should be taking to ensure they are treating vulnerable customers fairly?
E-Learning – What are the benefits?
While the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a shift towards remote and flexible working, traditional classroom-based training has also been affected. Online learning has become a popular alternative that provides an opportunity to try something new. What are the benefits and how can it be delivered correctly to both new and existing learners?
Lessons from a mother cat
The concept of “survival of the fittest” is well-established in the animal kingdom, but it can also be applied to the equally competitive world of commerce. What lessons can our feline friends give us that can help us develop our own skills?